Subscription Pricing

What does it cost? What do you get?

Monthly Save 10%
Monthly Basic
per hour
Access to material
Guided Learning Management System
Messaging Support
Discount on lessons/packages
Monthly Plus
per hour
Access to material
Discount on lessons/packages
Live face to face analysis every two weeks
Track your progress
Guided Learning Management System
Access to more learning tools
Monthly Pro
per hour
Access to more learning tools
Guided Learning Management System
Messaging Support
Live face to face analysis every two weeks
Discount on lessons/packages

Lesson Pricing

for 1 to 1 or group courses

Monthly Save 10%
General English
per hour
Access to material
Live face to face analysis every two weeks
Monthly track report
Business English
per hour
Access to material
Guided Learning Management System
Messaging Support
Track your progress
Monthly track report
Exam Preparation
per hour
Access to material
Guided Learning Management System
Live face to face analysis every two weeks
Messaging Support
Monthly track report
Track your progress
Conversation Classes
per hour
Access to material
Live face to face analysis every two weeks